What Does Dyscalculia Look Like in Children?
Study these age-specific symptoms of dyscalculia to better understand how this little-known condition may be affecting your child.
Identifying the symptoms of a learning disability and differentiating those from related conditions like ADHD is challenging even for professionals. This is especially true for dyscalculia — the not-widely-known learning disability dealing with math. Many children (not just those with dyscalculia) find math difficult and boring, and when ADHD is involved, focusing on formulas or completing long worksheets can feel downright impossible to many students.
But dyscalculia is much more than a dislike for math. It’s a difference in your child’s brain — most likely originating in the parietal lobe — that makes the logical and formulaic patterns necessary to learn math confusing and painful. By identifying the signs early — and getting your child the assistance he needs — you can help him compensate for his brain-based challenges and develop the skills necessary to be successful at math.
Symptoms at Home
Your child’s math problems affect her life profoundly — even outside of school. Math is all around us every day, and math-related challenges will make it difficult for your child to play games, use money, or even plan her day. If you suspect a problem, begin looking for these subtle age-specific indicators of dyscalculia:
Struggles to learn to count
Has difficulty connecting numbers to concrete objects (brings you two blocks when you ask for five, for example)
Has trouble sorting objects by color, shape, or type
Doesn’t seem to understand the passage of time (complains that her sister has “been in the bathroom for hours” when it’s only been a few minutes)
Can’t remember your phone number or address
Elementary and Middle School
Resists playing math- or number-based games, like Crazy Eights or Candyland
Has difficulty linking numbers and symbols to amounts and directions
Has difficulty making sense of money (handing a cashier a fistful of bills rather than counting it out, for example)
Unable to tell time on an analog clock
May struggle with handwriting
Has difficulty immediately sorting out right from left
Hesitant to go new places without you; doesn’t seem interested in exploring unfamiliar locations
High School
Has trouble estimating how much something will cost or how long a trip will take
Can’t stick to a budget
Can’t remember friends’ phone numbers or addresses
Avoids answering math-related questions during day-to-day conversation
Drives too fast or too slow
Often misses important events or shows up late
Symptoms at School
Dyscalculia is not as well known as other learning disabilities like dyslexia, so even some school officials may not know its warning signs. If your child’s teacher reports that she isn’t “math-minded” or is struggling much more than her peers, ask him to look for these possible symptoms of dyscalculia at school:
Can’t memorize simple numbers, like 911
Frequently asks when lunchtime or recess is — even first thing in the morning — and seems confused by the answer
Has no concept of when the school day starts or ends
Has trouble forming equal teams or separating into groups
Elementary and Middle School
Far behind his peers in math: still trying to learn addition when everyone else has progressed to multiplication, for instance
Has trouble recalling simple math facts
Uses fingers to count out math solutions, long after peers have stopped using this method
Doesn’t understand the “vocabulary” of math; often can’t make sense of word problems
Has trouble recognizing patterns and sequencing numbers
Can’t make sense of bar graphs or pie charts
Doesn’t line up numbers correctly when adding or subtracting by hand
High School
Still relies on calculators for simple math functions like adding and subtracting
Remains significantly behind peers in math skills; still struggles to master basic concepts as other students move on to advanced courses
Seems anxious about changing classrooms multiple times during the day, or mixes up which classroom she’s supposed to be in
Frequently late for class
If you think your child is showing symptoms of dyscalculia, don’t hesitate — ask the school for a formal evaluation right away. No matter your child’s age, accommodations can be put in place that will help him make sense of math and be on a more level playing field with his peers.