Pre-School symptoms
Does your pre-schooler have number dyslexia/dyscalculia?
Early signs of Dyscalculia in pre-schoolers.
Dyscalculia may not sound familiar, but this math learning difference may be quite common, says our expert. Watch this video to learn more about dyscalculia and how kids with this specific learning difference may struggle with math. (
If this sounds like your child and you’ve been banging your head against a brick wall, then read on for tests and solutions.
If you are still unsure, instinct is often the best way to know if your child has Number Dyslexia. They will basically avoid maths at all costs, cry, tantrum or go extremely quiet when numbers or maths are involved.
Early intervention is key to helping your child avoid greater problems when life at school begins.
Try Fables World for helping them learn basic numbers and number bonds.