Dyscalculia Quiz - for adults
Dyscalculia Adult Quiz
If the answer to the majority of the above dyscalculia QUIZ questions, is always or sometimes then you probably do have a Math Learning Disability.
Your reactions could be either :
1. “OMG I’m disabled, I knew it - how am I ever going to get a promotion?”
2. “That is absolute rubbish - who the hell wrote this idiotic quiz anyway?”
3. ‘No way - that’s not me!” - Complete and utter denial (that’s the one I went for)
Once the news slowly sinks in and you are ok with it, all sorts of realisations will start to happen eg.
A. “Maybe I’m not stupid after all and there is hope!!! Thank the Lord.”
B. “Maybe if I was taught in a different way my Number Dyslexia brain might actually be able to understand maths and do mental arithmetic.” You can FINALLY learn your foundation basic maths with TABLE FABLES. It’s a great start!
C. “How do I begin to grow that part of my brain?” - Yes your brain is like plastic and can learn NEW things at ANY AGE. See our NEUROPLASTICITY page.
If you would like someone to talk to who can help you process this new information - please email me directly.
How are your maths foundations? Did the way you were taught maths in school go in one ear and out the other? Causing massive frustration and embarrassment? We are here to tell you that you are not as thick as two short planks when it comes to maths - you just need to be taught in a different way!
FINALLY, learn your tables and division. It makes a world of difference. We have created TABLE FABLES which teaches visually. It works so give it a go! If it doesn’t we will give you your money back. That’s a promise!
TABLE FABLES are funny short animations that will help you memorise your tables. It’s a GREAT feeling knowing your tables.