Characteristics of Dyscalculia in pre-school children + solutions
Does your child struggle with numbers? Do they have characteristics of dyscalculia like the ones below? Will they ever catch up with their peers?
It can be very frustrating (grrrrrrr - where’s the wine!!) having a child that doesn’t automatically pick up numbers, however there is GOOD NEWS! They can catch up but they may need different solutions around their problems. You can feel good about the fact that you are here - because early intervention is the key to helping your kid develop the areas of the brain that will help them understand numbers and maths. The characteristics of dyscalculia aren’t always the same but below are the most common.
Heart surgeons don’t perform the same operation on all patients. They change their approach depending on the patient's condition. The same should be true when teaching a child maths or any subject for that matter!
Below are a few characteristics of dyscalculia or number dyslexia symptom checker + some solutions that may or may not be right for your child but worth a go to find out.
Typical symptoms across all ages of those with number dyslexia :
Difficulty counting backwards.
Difficulty remembering 'basic' facts.
Slow to perform calculations.
Weak mental arithmetic skills.
A poor sense of numbers & estimation.
Difficulty in understanding place value.
Addition is often the default operation.
High levels of mathematics anxiety.
Remember children with characteristics of dyscalculia will try and avoid numbers as much as possible. It’s up to you to turn that around and make it FUN, you don’t want them to develop Maths anxiety. Try sites like
Whatever you do, make them feel GOOD about NUMBERS and make them feel CONFIDENT. The best way to do that is make everything into a FUN GAME so they want to do more and those characteristics of dyscalculia will start to fade away.
Imagine a chore you HATE doing, eg putting the rubbish out or lodging your tax returns. If someone made them into a GAME how much more fun would those tasks be?
Eg - If you put the rubbish out in less than 3 minutes you can watch the next episode on Netflix or, If you finish your tax returns before the end of the month I’ll give you $100 to spend on whatever you like.